How to use art, design and visual communication tools to unpack geopolitical identities? From this question, artists and designers from both the Palestinian Association for Contemporary Art (PACA) and Michigan State University (MSU) are exchanging, challenging borders of language, politics, geography, technology and time-scale and use as points of departure.
In opening of this collaboration, two opposing names were given to the exchange. From Palestine: “Non-Geographic, Non-Political Dialogue” and from Michigan: “Critical Geopolitics in Collaborative Practices.”
Immediately the desire to make non-political art clashed with the importance of addressing the poignant positionalities of all collaborators.
These works were created in a liminal space between two places entangled within the reality of an occupation. The MSU Global Travel Registry classifies Palestine simply as “
Unknown.” Inevitability, this act invents a new set of borders between what is “unknown” and what is acknowledged. This systemic erasure represent this exchange more than either of the names had created initially.