Join me to iconoclasticize Ram Allah's Lions in this work. Help me to break off the lions' faces. Help me to break off the lions' faces. Join me to iconoclasticize Ram Allah's Lions. Help me to iconoclasticize Ram Allah's Lions in this work. Join me to break off the lions' faces in this work. Help me to break off the lions' faces in this work. Join me to iconoclasticize Ram Allah's Lions in this work. Help me to break off the lions' faces. Help me to break off the lions' faces. Help me to break off the lions' faces. Join me to iconoclasticize Ram Allah's Lions in this work.
عمل فني سمعي (ضجيج، موسيقى، ناس وغيرها من أصوات ورموز) بصري (كولاج ورقي)، مستوحى من مركز مدينة رام الله في وقتنا هذا. العمل نابع من محرك أساسي وهو فكرة عقدة الهوية الاجتماعية: من "نحن"؟. وهي مجمل السمات التي تميز شخصا عن غيره أو مجموعة عن غيرها، كما جاء مصطلح الهوية في اللغة العربية من كلمة: "هو".، ان كانت على صعيد شخصي أو وطني اقليمي، كالاشتراك في أرض، لغة، تاريخ، حضارة، ثقافة، طموح وغيرها
Yen'an Abouy "Damn My Father!?"
Collage of sound and signs from the city center of Ramallah
English translation for the transcribed sounds:
Adhan – Islamic prayer
There is no god but God. Muhammad is the messenger of God
"they have rejected Allah and His Messenger: and Allah guideth not those who are perversely rebellious” - Qur’an
2 kilos with only 10 shekels, come get some grapes and potato “Hawker’s Voice”
Radio Sound: “as a result of the internal migration to here from the south and the north of the country, where the presidency offices and the PLO, the NGOs, the diplomatic sector are located, Making it our temporary capital”
6 kilos with only 10 shekels
“You’re God damming my Father?”
“Hey you crazy? Hahah.. yes we’re coming.. My blood sugar is getting very high reaching to the sky”
“Oh thats why you head has lost some weight…”
“I don’t drink at night; I never go to the woman drunk”
Elissa’s voice sings romantically “to have babies from you.. Your baby … to be just like you … I wish my darling…”
Hi Julia
Hi Mai
“Ouh do you wanna set here?”
“It really matters…”
The road was very short
Shu?! “What?”
May, are you going to Jenin this weekend?
Yes probably, but not Thursday! “Laughs” what? Why?
“laughs again”
We wanna watch a movie but you guys are always …
What movie?
I am going because…
Is Xavier here?
He is in Jerusalem
Ah ok!
What movie?
I wanted to watch this but…
“Our Palestinianism ! Our Palestinian identity requires us to do something… you as an artist, me as a broadcaster, Osama as directors… even the citizens walking in the street, even the Arab revolutions happened…. They learned it from us”
I don’t know! The problem is I am very exhausted.
Hey you Mr! … Taxi …
Go man just Go!
God Damn Ramallah and the day I came to Ramallah!!
“the night in which I am wearing the white dress for you…”
“public prosecution in Ramallah are protesting against the constant violations facing the… by the security forces”
To defend the freedom of the citizens and their dignity.
She’s adorable I took a photo for her, I’ll show it to you when I go home. Mashallah “God bless her”... very beautiful
Do you print in colors in here? No? … Last time you did it.. Ouh you quit.. ok
“Only on Ajyal Radio, the morning of good… the morning of dignity, the morning of knowledge, the morning of glory”
“May the eyes of God will look after you” – singing
“is that possible??!”
“I can imagine us sitting in a café, downtown, watching people coming, watching them going and listening to Maysoun Manasra on Ajyal Radio”
“Nice! Hahaha This is actually very beautiful image”.
This collage work was made in order to enter the International Academy of Art Palestine in Ramallah 2013.