The Kingdom ('Asha al Maleek عاش المليك)
This six minute video and booklet explore boundaries between portraiture, identity and performance. 'Asha al Maleek contains a group of people from different Arab nationalities based in Jordan, singing the Anthems they know or remember, either of their countries or the country where they were raised or currently live in.
During the difficult times in the Middle East, Jordan is considered to be a safe haven for the refugees from the surrounding countries. However, This situation is not a new one as Jordan has been considered the second home of Palestinians. While this work can be understood within the broader context of Arab struggles, it simply and persistently negotiates existence and place in this part of the world. Dealing with how identity is shaped in a context of inaccessibility and loss, the work intimately expresses concerned with barriers, land, longing and, ultimately, belonging.